The Right Honourable Gordon Brown is a loyal ATG reader. It's true. Take a moment for that to soak in.
Tonight at a lecture on the Global Economy, Mr. Right Honourable gave a wink and a nod in ATGs direction during an anecdote. Mr. Right Honourable was remaking that he usually apologizes for the British Empire in speeches he gives in America as we generally hate the idea of a monarchy (especially a Waity monarchy). Then he revealed that he finds it ironic since American are the largest group of consumers of stories about the monarchy. And who is the largest cosumer of monarchy stories? ATG... Somewhere in all that British humour and smoke and mirrors is an admission that Mr. Right Honourable reads ATG!!!
Oh, and Gordie, no need to apologize about the British Empire. Only apologize for losing the colonies.
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Right Honourable thumbs up to ATG! |
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