Saturday, August 24, 2019

Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is Sussex

Oh, friends. Another day, another flub by the surprisingly inept Sussexes. I was honestly trying to warm to this deficient duo. I had nothing but love for Meghan’s reported decision not to frantically and obsessively return to her pre-baby body, instead wanting to illustrate an honest post-pregnancy journey. When the entire world is watching – and judging – your appearance, that takes real chutzpa (especially when your sister-in-law has a magical body that returns to its original size in 5.7 seconds). In fact, I was just about to write a post on her new potential likeability (well, maybe “likeability” is too strong a word, but she had definitely moved onto the likeability spectrum) and then we went through another news cycle, which brought with it another huge Sussex-sized fail and the knowledge that, despite my greatest efforts, they are just impossible to like.

As you may recall, not that long ago our favorite royal family to judge – comprised in part of the UnreMarkleable Duchess and her tantrum-throwing hubby, the SGP[1] – made headlines for not only being totally incompetent in pretty much every way, but also HUGE planet huggers. This meant, they said, that the newly minted family of three would likely stay that way. That’s right, Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor’s dad confided – in a Vogue article, no less – that, in an effort to protect our most precious planet, the Sussexes would only be having the one kid, maybe two, because, you know, children consume resources and create carbon dioxide (or something. I didn’t actually read the article). They were cheered for their selflessness. Generations to come would bow at their green altar; and history books would herald their dedication to the environment, their commitment to saving the planet one (never-born) person at a time. 

The Three Musketeers

Personally, I think the fact that Meghan just turned 38 indicates that biology – or the fact that they already used every possible name on their first kid – may have played a bigger role in this decision, but who am I to question such altruism? I mean, it really hits you right in the feeler, doesn’t it? Someone give this dynamic duo the Nobel Peace Prize for their courage and sacrifice.

Oh, but wait. Slow down.

It’s never quite that simple, is it?

Turns out these two environmental darlings aren’t so environmentally conscious. Or darling. No, it seems that the loathsome twosome (and their one and only kid) recently used a not-so-environmentally-friendly private jet to return from a holiday in Ibiza and then, as if that wasn’t bad enough, just days later, took another private jet from London to Nice (on another vacation). According to an estimate by the BBC, these two trips alone produced six times more emissions than the average Brit does in an entire year. Sorry, what? Does this mean that the Sussexes don’t actually practice what they preach? I mean, bear in mind that this is the same duo who, less than a month earlier, posted a quote from Harry on their official Instagram account, highlighting the importance of environmental awareness – and the role each of us must play. It read: “With nearly 7.7 billion people inhabiting this Earth, every choice, every footprint, every action makes a difference.” 

It sure does make a difference, Harry, which is why you would think such a concerned person as yourself would make more environmentally friendly decisions. But that’s not really how it works, is it? In fact, while these concerned citizens of Earth are breathlessly calling for the outlaw of straws, procreation, hairspray and cows, they are also simultaneously using multiple private jets to hop around the world from lavish vacation to lavish vacation.

What’s the definition of hypocrite again?

But it doesn’t stop there. This extravagant, planet-killing travel choice came just weeks after Harry attended, via private helicopter (allegedly), a Google-sponsored summit. In Sicily. On climate change. Let me just stop for a second while you marinate on that nonsense.

To be fair, he wasn’t the only one whose hypocrisy was on full display that day. No, turns out that many in this environmentally-friendly group of mega-rich folks, which included Katy Perry, Chris Martin, Nick Jonas and, of course, everyone’s favorite hypocrite environmentalist, Leonardo DiCaprio, had also taken private jets and mega yachts to the meeting. Do these people truly have no self-awareness? I can’t. I really just can’t.

But I digress…

On the one hand, I kind of get why royals feel the need to fly private. After all, I can imagine that flying commercial might be tough for people who are so incredibly famous. I mean, I don’t even particularly like it, and I certainly don’t have to worry about anyone invading my personal space – at least not any more than that miniscule plane seat requires. Plus, I have read that when the British Royal Family flies private, it is usually by borrowing a wealthy friend’s plane. And in this particular instance, the wealthy friend in question is none other than Elton John. This means that, at the very least, the Sussexes didn’t spend tens of thousands of pounds of the British taxpayer’s money on their climate-killing trip. (Unfortunately for the British public, they didn’t get so lucky when the privileged pair chose to remodel their new home, Frogmore Cottage, to the tune of several million.) Still, does it not seem somewhat hypocritical? This is a couple that seemingly takes every opportunity to tell you how you should be living your best green life…and then jets off in a private plane. In the immortal words of Pierce Morgan (a sentence I never thought I’d write), this dud-like duo is “saving the planet, one private jet at a time.” Pierce and I don’t have many shared opinions, but I would have to agree that, in this case, the optics weren’t great.

In fact, as far as I can see, the only preservation efforts these two have ever truly taken – i.e., the only indications that they truly care about the environment – are a couple of photo ops in Africa and a promise not to pollute the planet with babies. Eh. Does that even count? I give this “effort” a C- at best, much like Meghan’s acting ability. Listen, I’m sure the two mean well (maybe), but this planet-saving passion rings a bit false to me. Am I being unfair? I mean, it is possible. After all, I don’t really like them.

Here’s some evidence that I am being unfair: the Sussexes certainly are not the first or only members of the BRF to fly private, nor are they unknown to fly commercial. And in some ways, as mentioned above, it makes total sense for royals of all varieties to travel Elite Class. For starters, I’m sure there are many, many security concerns on a commercial flight. And scheduling issues. And luggage. And kids. And, well, pretty much everything else that you and I do all the time, never realizing what hardy stuff we’re made of. We’re like the early pioneers. The problem with this argument is, of course, that royals do fly commercial. Even the British royals fly commercial – and they are, obviously, not only better than you and me, but also better than every other royal family in the history of the planet they’re so desperately trying to save.

Here are the Cambridges - and their nanny - on Thursday after having deplaned their commercial flight from England to Scotland en route to visit the queen at Balmoral. (Inset: The UnreMarkleable Duchess trying to sneak onto her climate-killing private jet.)
Please note how Princes William and George - both future kings - carry some of their own luggage, with George trying to grab more from his dad. Authentic moment or brilliant PR move? Either way, I'd say this family's PR people are waaaay more competent than the in-laws'. 

Anyway, the point is, the BRF flying commercial is not something that is totally unheard of or impossible to make happen. And, when one of your main platforms is saving the environment, especially from the evils of climate change, shouldn’t you do everything in your power to prevent changing the climate with your private jet-fuel emissions? And, if you truly believed in such a cause, wouldn’t you insist on limiting your carbon footprint, even if it makes your life a bit more difficult? (It’s not like either of these two has a problem being inflexible when they really want something.) It is, after all, what they think you and I should be doing. All I’m saying is, it looks just a bit disingenuous to lecture all of us on our duty to protect the environment and then hop on a private luxury liner, knowing full-well that it will undoubtedly be spewing climate-endangering exhaust all along the way. Unless of course this is a magical plane, much like Charlize Theron’s (another great champion of Earth), which was undoubtedly fueled entirely by vegetable oil and angel farts.  

Surely it can’t really come as a surprise to these spoiled spouses or their (out-of-touch) celebrity supporters, then, that the public is reacting negatively to this latest misstep. I mean, when you set yourself up as champions of a cause, you can’t be shocked when there’s backlash to behavior that seems counterproductive to that very cause. Of course, this is the Sussexes (and their [out-of-touch] celebrity supporters) we’re talking about; the Sussexes, whose behavior up until now seems to indicate that they think they are much, much better – and smarter – than everyone else. Maybe they thought we would all be so awed by their greatness that we wouldn’t notice their hypocrisy. And, boy, do the Sourpuss Sussexes know how to do hypocrisy. These are two of the most vocal members of the BRF[2], nay, the world, about their passion for saving the planet, and yet they refused to fly commercial, an exponentially more environmentally-friendly decision. Seriously, are their PR people asleep? Or have they simply been fired? Hopefully if and when the undynamic duo finds a new royal mouthpiece, said mouthpiece will remind these two that (a) standing for something means that sometimes you have to make sacrifices by choosing option A even when you really, really want to choose option F (as in major PR Fail); and (b) if you’re unwilling to do that very basic thing, then it starts to look a little like those things that you say really, really matter to you don’t actually really, really matter to you.[3]

Still, though I think it’s pretty clear that neither of this privileged pair has come out looking particularly good here, I dare say that this was a bigger PR fail for the duchess. Let me explain: The SGP is still cashing in on the goodwill created by his mom and grandmum. That goodwill is, admittedly, running low, especially after asinine behavior like this, but the account does appear to still contain some funds. For now. The UnreMarkleable Duchess, on the other hand - and as we’ve discussed - started behind the goodwill eight ball. This means that MM really needed a win here. She didn’t get it. And not only was this a giant fail, but, for those of us who have been questioning the duchess’s authenticity pretty much since the courtship of Archie’s father began, it would have been nice to see her – and her gingersnap husband – show some truly authentic strength of conviction. But it didn’t happen. And not only that, but this tone-deaf and ostentatious behavior does very little to silence those critics who are convinced MM is in this marriage solely for the luxurious lifestyle it affords her. Well, the luxury and fame – as long as the fame is entirely on her terms (see, e.g., reports that, when at Wimbledon this year, the demanding duchess insisted that an entire section of seats be left open for her alone, and that no one, absolutely no one, be allowed to take her picture. Yep, she’s super down to earth and relatable).

Anyway, the point is, this debacle didn’t do much to soften the view some of us more judgmental folks may currently be sporting about this caustic couple. Still, even I can admit that, to the duchess’s credit, for a D-list actress, she has really perfected that sanctimonious, “better-than” celebrity attitude; you know, the one that requires the little people to “do as I say, not as I do.” After all, it’s pretty obvious that this “elite” group doesn’t want the rules they wholeheartedly support to apply to them; no, those restrictions are for everyone else. Yes, it’s really quite impressive how quickly the UnreMarkleable Duchess was able to slip into her superior-acting role, easily embracing the elitist mentality of her famous friends. And it’s even more impressive when you consider that up until about five minutes ago, her biggest accomplishment in life was a supporting role on a cable show. Oh, how quickly they forget. So, on second thought, maybe she’s not a hypocrite at all. Maybe she’s just a forgetful person who innocuously forgot that she cares about the environment. Maybe what she needs is not a strong dose of self-awareness, but simply some ginkgo biloba to help improve her brain function and memory.

Sure, and maybe Hayden Christensen will finally learn how to act.

No, I think it’s much more likely that the UnreMarkleable Duchess and her tantrum-throwing hubby are hypocrites of the highest order, which is why today, my friends, hypocrisy’s name is most definitely Sussex. 

[1] I must admit, I’m almost ready to retire this moniker. There’s nothing about the Sweet Ginger Prince that seems particularly sweet anymore. 

[2] Admittedly, Prince Charles is also a giant hypocrite when it comes to the inconsistencies between his climate-championing lectures and his environment-killing actions, but he’s just too boring to even write another word about.

[3] Also, just as a little aside, if you’re unwilling to do it, you sure as hell better not be telling me that I should do it. If it’s such a great idea, you go first.

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