Thursday, May 17, 2012

Yin and Yang

Looking back through previous entries, it occurred to me that, although those blogs spoke the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, they were also sometimes slightly critical of (some) women. So, I’m taking this opportunity to introduce a few female celebrities who don’t suck—or, at the very least, have exhibited behavior that lessens their suckage.

Sure, she captured America’s heart as a Thriller loving 13-year-old and then went on to marry everyone’s favorite oil-drilling astronaut, but this mother of three has proven that she’s just like anyone else. Two months after giving birth to baby Samuel (a refreshingly normal name considering Hollywood’s apparent mantra of “the more ridiculous the better”… Pilot Inspektor and Audio Science anyone?), Garner looks like you would expect any new mother to look. It’s quite a nice change considering we’re constantly bombarded with pictures of celebrities like Victoria Beckham and Beyonce, who were back to pre-baby weight five seconds after giving birth. It’s good to know that some celebrity moms value spending time with their children over spending time with their trainer.

A mom we can all relate to

Not only is she beautiful and British, but she also appears to be fairly down to earth. While most celebrities have the latest in DROIDs—I thought that was a character in Star Wars?iPhones, iPads and iNeedtoLookCoolerThanEveryoneElses, Ms. Beckinsale communicates by flip phone! The kind that you get for free just for purchasing a cell plan! Between the phone and the peanut butter-filled fork, this lovely lady proves that you don’t have to be fancy to be fabulous.   

A peanut butter loving beauty

Move over, Tom Cruise, there’s a new celebrity savior in town. It sounds like an episode of Punk’d, but the situation was all-too-real for Saldana and several others who witnessed a traffic collision that left an elderly woman injured. (I realize that this story is several months old, but it’s hard to find commendable things about most celebrities.) The Avatar actress, with the help of another witness, led the bloodied woman from her car, called 911 on her behalf, and sat with her until the ambulance arrived. Of course, let’s not forget that this lucky lady starred in a movie with Johnny Depp and dated Bradley Cooper; and with good fortune like that, you pretty much have to pay it forward.

Never fear! Zoe's here!

Now, before you start thinking you unknowingly stumbled onto a kind-hearted, positivity-pushing blog, let me bring you back to reality. After all, this is ATG, and we’re committed to calling celebrities out for their stupid behavior.  It’s because of this, that I feel duty-bound to draw your attention to two actresses who recently played the yin to the above women’s yang (or vice versa). According to the Daily Mail, Charlize Theron and Kristen Stewart, who were both in Paris promoting their new film, Snow White and the Huntsman, boarded separate private jets en route to the exact same location, as they continued their press tour in London.

Not a great PR move, but because Ms. Theron is such a vocal supporter of “green” efforts, I’m sure the jets were fueled with vegetable oil and angel farts. 

Or not.

Looks like these ladies have taken a page out of Leonardo DiCaprio’s environmentalist handbook. Of course, they’re in good company.  Just goes to show that actors are more than willing to lend their names to a cause as long as they don’t have to live by the same restrictions they want imposed on others.

Apparently “celebrity” is Latin for “giant hypocrite.”

1 comment:

  1. Fueled by vegetable oil and angel farts. Great line!
