Saturday, July 14, 2012

On Kangaroos & Klums: Heidi, That Is.

Listen, I'm going to be honest.

Despite my capital L love for Tim Gunn, I haven't watched Project Runway since it moved to Lifetime.    I know I'm in one half of the show's target demographic- straight girls who love gay men- and am a staunch lover of their other demographic- gay men.

I just couldn't get behind the move to a different network.  Bravo is all about being (or thinking) you're young.  It's flashy.  It's fun.  It's sassy.  It's tragic in that over the top "Should-I-wear-an-Ice-Capades-outfit-to-the-club?  OMG! No-you-shouldn't-because-I-would-have-to-change" way.

Lifetime is just tragic, like sad tragic.  As in "I-don't-know-if-I-can-put-on-clothes-today-but-I've been-wearing-this-outfit-and haven't-taken-a-shower-in-a-week.  Ok-two-weeks" way.

But I digress.

Yesterday, I was walking to meet a friend for dinner who did I happen to see on the side of a bus but HK.  It's the latest advert for the new season of Project Runway and it looks a little something like this:

That's a tall drink of, well, not exactly water...

HK has a diamond for a nipple.  I can never compete.

My first thought was: Why is HK in her underwear on the side of the bus?

My second: Wait, has the show become so gimmicky that it's a full season of underwear designs.  Tragic...Lifetime tragic.

My third: Oh, right.  Now that HK isn't married to Seal and perpetually knocked-up like a kangaroo, I guess that makes it ok to be in you underwear on the side of a bus.  Way to stick it to Seal.  Their children must be so proud.  

My fourth (this morning as I was looking for the picture on the internet): this blog has an excellent point- HK does look like she's going to chop off a nipple.

My fifth:  I must do more research on Kangaroos.  They will be our overloards one day.  Seriously, people.  Three different lady-bits chambers for babies.  We are doomed as a species.

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