Saturday, September 1, 2012

Surely She Jests

Proving yet again how out of touch with the real world she is, Kim Kardashian was caught, ON CAMERA, claiming that she’s worked hard for everything she has. Go ahead and pick your jaw up off the floor. I’ll wait. No one would be able to hear me over the hysterical laughter anyway. It’s okay; take your time. Ready? Good, let’s proceed.

I believe Ms. Kardashian’s exact words were, “…no one ever gave me anything.” Of course, she then followed it with, “I told mom 'This is exactly what I want to do,' and she made it happen.” So which is it, Kimbo? You either do it on your own or your mom makes it happen. As far as I can see, you can’t have it both ways.

Just for argument’s sake, let me give you the context of the comment. It won’t matter. At all. But I’m going to do it anyway. Don’t say I never gave you anything.

Here goes…

The Kardashian clan recently found themselves filming a “therapy session” scene for their “television show.” It was during this session that Kim made the outrageous claim to her brother, Rob, who she felt hasn’t been trying hard enough to be successful. Now, let me preface this by saying that I believe 99.9% of what happens on this show (which, disclaimer, I don’t watch…under any circumstances) is scripted. However, considering Kim owes her fame to a sex tape and very little else, perhaps she should be careful about the advice she dispenses. It’s a long fall off that high, bedazzled horse.  

Rob and his wise sister, Kim. Who needs Solomon, Gandhi, and Mr. Miyagi when you have Keeping Up with the Kardashians?  

Listen, I’ll be the first to admit that she took her five minutes and ran with it. For that, she—and her family—should get some credit. After all, not everyone with a famous sex tape is still relevant—right, Paris?—but c’mon! She makes it sound like she spent years working three jobs; foregoing vacations, new clothes, and sometimes dinner in order to save money; walking uphill to school, in the snow, every day for years; and investing countless amounts of blood, sweat and tears in order to—one day—maybe be successful. False. She had a well-connected dad who, in turn, introduced her to well-connected families.

Let’s be clear: She may’ve worked hard, but people have given her things and to suggest anything less is laughable and offensive to those who really have worked their way up from the bottom. It just goes to show, in case there was ever any doubt, how truly out of touch Kim Kardashian is. Of course, considering this woman is dating Kanye West and buying $150,000 cars, I suppose most of us already knew that.

And it’s probably precisely why people watch her show. 

1 comment:

  1. A sex tape where she pretended to be a toilet! How has the world forgotten that she is famous for being pee'd on???
