Oh, Kanye.
Kanye, Kanye, Kanye.
I thought that we had seen all that your arrogance and
self-righteousness had to offer. I thought that now that you were a married
father, your egomaniacal ways might lessen. I even thought that I may have been
unfair to judge you so harshly in the past.
I thought wrong.
Way, way wrong.
SO wrong.
Proving yet again that he is, without a doubt, one of the
sorriest excuses for a human being to ever breathe air, Kanye West, at a recent
concert, refused to continue performing – that is, do his job – until the
entire arena was on its feet. That part isn’t so bad, I guess. Performers
request crowds to rise all the time. They don’t demand it, mind you; they don’t
refuse to proceed with the performance until it happens; but they request it.
Granted, the way Kanye handled it was much more egocentric
and narcissistic – as is his way – but if these concert-goers are stupid enough
to pay money to attend one of Klassless Kanye’s concerts, I suppose they get
what they get.
What I can’t imagine anyone anticipating, however, is what
happened next. So, Kanye demands that everyone stand up and, because the world
revolves around him, he refuses to continue the show until he sees EVERY SINGLE
PERSON standing. So when he notices one person with the audacity to remain
seated after being commanded by the great one to rise, he takes aim. He zeroes
in and will not let up. In fact, it gets so bad that the arena erupts into a
chorus of “Stand up! Stand up!” punctuated by boos. And, yet, this concert-goer
continues to be the epitome of disrespect by absolutely refusing to stand.
The audacity. The insolence. The blatant disrespect. What
possible reason could someone have for NOT standing when commanded by his
majassty, the King of Krap, and an angry mob of Kanye-loving Aussies?
There isn’t one good reason.
Not one.
Okay, well, maybe there’s one good reason. The concert-goer in question? Yeah, he was in a
It’s not that he wouldn’t
stand up; it was that he couldn’t stand
But even the testimony of those around the wheelchair-bound
fella was insufficient evidence to absolve him of his heinous, treasonous crime.
In fact, it wasn’t, reportedly, until Kanye’s own bodyguards checked the
situation out themselves and confirmed that yes, barring a miracle, this kid
wasn’t going to be on his feet anytime soon, that the anointed one finally carried on with the
What I found most surprising after watching the video,
wasn’t that Kanye made a huge ass out of himself; no, that was to be expected.
In fact, if Kanye’s talking, he’s probably saying something really stupid. What
I found most surprising was how many people were actually at the concert. It
looked like a fairly full house. Do you think they actually paid money to be
there? Perhaps Australia is not yet hip to the fact that Sir Sucksalot is a
giant joke.
As an addendum to this story, immediately after demanding the wheelchair-bound man to rise, Kanye attempted to walk on water.