If I had to guess, I’d say that Kate Winslet is sincerely hoping
that third times really are the most charming. Why? Because just before
Christmas, Kate entered into her third—count
‘em, 1, 2, 3—marriage with her third
husband. Fortunately for Kate, lucky #3 will almost certainly be the one that
sticks. After all, what could possibly go wrong when you marry a man who’s legally
changed his name to Ned RocknRoll?
In case it hasn’t occurred to you yet, this makes Kate “Mrs.
Oh, but it gets better…
Turns out that Mr. RocknRoll is the nephew of billionaire
Richard Branson. Remember him? The owner of Virgin Fill-in-the-Blank and his
own private island? Off topic, he’s also reportedly going to start taking
everyday folks, like you and me, into space. Space! It’s referred to as a space
tourism program. Tourism. In space. Can you imagine the liability waivers that
requires? Call me crazy, but I would assume there’s a reason that not just any
old body can become an astronaut. It takes a special gravity-loathing, adult
diaper-loving kind of individual.
BUT, if Kate’s been touring it up in outer space, her recent
nuptials make a whole lot more sense. Only someone with her head in the
clouds—or above the clouds, as would be more appropriate in this case—could think
that this marriage sounded like a swell plan, ESPECIALLY without a prenup to protect
her many millions.
The wedding was reportedly a small affair, attended by only
about a dozen people (including Kate’s two kids, one each from her two previous
marriages). These people did not, however, include either of the betrothed’s
parents, who apparently only found out about the wedding once the story broke
in the press. In fact, when asked about it, Kate’s dad’s very British response
was reportedly, “What are you going on about?”
I just love the Brits.
I wonder how her dad felt to then learn that the
position most oftentimes entrusted to the father of the bride—that is, giving
his daughter away—was this time entrusted to a supermodel loving, ATG Boyfriend. Yes, my friends, rumor has it that none other than Leonardo DiCaprio
walked our English Rose down the aisle to meet her fertilizer-like
husband-to-be. Romantic, ain’t it? Of course, her dad’s probably good and tired
of making that trip down the aisle and was most likely all-too-happy to pass
the job on to someone else.
Some say that Kate is just a hopeless romantic;
that she’s addicted to the falling in love process and to being a newlywed, but
that she doesn’t seem to have much interest in hanging in for the long-term. Let’s
examine this criticism, shall we, as we journey down Kate’s previously traveled
aisles together.
Marriage #1 to Jim
As an encore to her monstrous Titanic success, Kate decided to, what else, get married. She wed
producer Jim Threapleton, whom she met on the set of her film Hideous Kinky. They had a baby. She gave
an interview saying how blissful playing house was. Perhaps she was unaware of what "blissful" actually means, however, because by the time the article
came out, she and her bliss-inducing hubby were no more. And approximately five
seconds later, she was playing tonsil hockey with writer/director Sam Mendes,
which brings me to…
Marriage #2 to Sam
I’d say that she’s way too pretty for him, but that might
make me sound shallow.
Our nuptial-loving darling’s marriage to The Sixth
Sense’s Sam Mendes lasted a bit longer than her first. In fact, they almost
made it to double digits. But, alas, her seven year itch just had to be
scratched, which is how she found herself shacking up with model Louis Dowler
before her second divorce was even finalized.
Kate and her model certainly didn't exhibit model behavior. |
Marriage #3 to Ned
Ironically, it was while on holiday with pretty boy
Dowler, that Kate met RocknRoll, aka hubby #3. She soon dismissed Dowler like a
wedding vow and took up with old Neddy boy, whom she then married and will
probably, if history is anything to go by, soon be having a baby with.
I must admit, even I, a Kate Winslet fan, am wondering what
in the world she’s thinking. Is she trying to fill a void? Is she damaged and
yearning for some unattainable perfection? Is this her desperate cry for help?
Or does she just really like wedding cake?