Sunday, June 26, 2011

It May Glitter, but It Sure Ain't Gold

My Real Housewives obsession has admittedly taken a nosedive as of late. I know, a tragedy. I never thought I’d utter these words, but I think the series has run its course. These women are just too ridiculous. Do people like this exist? Really? If so, I sure hope I never meet them. They bring new lows to the phrase, “With friends like these…”

I’ll tell you one thing, if any of my friends ever tried to double air kiss me, or tell me that she simply didn’t care about my feelings, or even considered the notion that I’d started hemorrhaging out of my nether regions and had to be rushed to the hospital just to ruin her “fashion show,” a little curb-kicking party would most definitely ensue. (Of course, I would probably have someone else do the kicking so as not to scuff my Louboutins, which I would obviously have if I was a Real housewife—I wouldn’t be able to afford them, but I’d most definitely have them.) But, then again, these women aren’t really friends. They’re characters.

And being that they’re characters, they do still provide some enjoyable entertainment. One thing that I particularly enjoy is that, even in the midst of a vein-busting, hands-flailing, hotheaded, Italian fight, they still refer to each other by their nicknames.

For instance, in an altercation with his sister Teresa, little Joe Gorga (and I do mean little; he makes the hobbits look like NBA stars) screamed at her to mind her own business or respect his wife or something, but he ended it with “Tre” (her nickname).

My favorite, though, happened as Teresa stood talking to her cousin Kathy. Everything seemed relatively normal until, suddenly, someone flipped Teresa's Charlie Sheen (aka “crazy”) switch. There she stood in her little black dress, five-inch platform heels, hair perfectly placed, makeup impeccable, and all of a sudden, her hands started going; her bracelets started clanging; the wrinkles on her Botoxed, virtually non-existent forehead were suddenly visible. Her head was bopping, her eyes were popping, and then she yelled, “Don’t even go there, Kath!”

Kath.  Not “Kathy.” Not “you inconsiderate cow.” Not “you lying sack of manure.” No. Kath.

To me, this is like screaming, “You’re a piece of crap, Lovie Bear!” or “You’re a dirty drunk and a worthless human being, Kitten!”   

Granted, I’m not Italian, but it just strikes me as odd.

Of course, I guess the oddest thing would be if they ever did something normal.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Girlfriend Needs to Eat a Sandwich Club

Ok, second post.  I know its again about the fairer Middleton (I know- I'm judging myself) but this is an issue.  Or actually it is an Issue.  Maybe even an ISSUE.  I'll let you decide dear readers...

I think Mrs. William Windsor, the Duchess of Cambridge, or Waity Katie as she will ALWAYS be known to me is the founding member of the Girlfriend Needs to Eat a Sandwich Club because, well, girlfriend needs to eat a sandwich.

Listen, Waity, I can only imagine the stress of having the eyes of the world and the world's most prominent judger, Her Majesty the Queen upon you must be beyond nerve wracking.  Actually, I take that back, I have no idea of the pressure and stress.  But I do know that I would attempt to soothe that stress in a helping or four of macaroni and cheese.  But I guess that's why I'm not a princess (yet).  But I urge you, please, eat something, anything.  Look at this picture of Waity with our First Lady of Fashion (albeit this outfit is less that stellar).

I freely admit my bias on this dress.  I hate it.  If I wanted to look like I was wrapping myself in ace bandages, I would just do that.  But look at her legs.  Look at the squareness of her frame.  See how the fullness of the top gives the illusion of breasts.  And her arms.   She looks gaunt.  And thinner that at the wedding.

Waity, level with me... are you stressed about your impending pregnancy?  Because you know what helps with conception?  Calories.  Seriously.  Put the spoon to your lips.  The combination of noodle and cheese is divine.  It slips so easily down the throat.  And if that isn't incentive enough, getting pregnant will help you trump that annoying Pippa in the tabloids.  Seriously, Waity, please, if nothing else stop the Pippa parade.  If it's driving me to distraction, I can only imagine that you want to rip her eyes out.

So there you have it dear readers.  The first installment of the Girlfriend Needs to Eat a Sandwich Club.  And I promise, I do think about other things besides Waity and her family... No, really.  I do!  I promise the next post will be on the hotness that is Ryan Reynolds.

Oh, and Queen Elizabeth, if you are reading this, please consider this post my application to enroll in your School of Judgement.  I believe I have the raw talent and would swoon at the chance to be your apprentice.  Together we could be unstopable.