Sunday, May 20, 2012

Diamonds Are a Queen’s Best Friend

England’s beloved Queen Elizabeth is celebrating her Diamond Jubilee this year. This means that the Queen has held the same job position, i.e. queen, for 60 years. At most companies, 60 years means a pen, maybe a watch, and if you’re really lucky, perhaps a little office luncheon—maybe some deli meat, a fruit tray, a dried-out cake—you get the drift. If you’re a royal, however, it means countless lunches, dinners, parades, and the Olympics held in your honor.

  Major props to Princess Charlene for really committing to her curtsey. 

One of these such luncheons occurred last week at Windsor Castle. But instead of a celebratory office lunch like the one mentioned above, one where your creepy boss with the hairy knuckles and the annoying mouth-breather in the cubicle next to yours come to honor you, this lunch drew many of the world’s royals (some of whom, in all fairness, may still be creepy mouth-breathers).

Reading through the guest list was an uplifting experience, and it should give hope to all of us with royal-caliber dreams. Why, you ask? Because so many countries have royal families. Sure, they’re not all as high-profile as the Windsors, but as long as they come with a title, a castle, and a diamond-encrusted tiara, I’m a happy camper. So don’t lose hope, even if Cupid doesn’t shoot his love-inducing arrows into the hiney of Prince Harry or Princess Madeleine on your behalf.

And speaking of people who were able to blackmail Cupid into wielding his arrows for their benefit, the Duchess of Cambridge was also at the luncheon. Seriously, maybe she has some compromising pictures of the amorous fellow with Lady Godiva; otherwise, her mass appeal makes absolutely no sense. For instance, what’s up with the ridiculous grin she has perpetually glued to her increasingly gaunt face? I’m sure it’s difficult having cameras constantly shoved in your personal space, but must she always be smiling? It looks totally fake and, truth be told, makes me slightly uncomfortable. She’s starting to look a little Stepford-y.  

 The Most Beautiful and Fashionable Woman in the World (and her husband) 

With Bulgaria's King Simeon and his wife Margarita

 Is anyone even talking in this picture? I think they're just gazing lovingly into each other's eyes. Looks like Cupid strikes again. 

The real Duchess or the Madame Tussauds version?

 Like the rest of the world, Prince Albert seems more interested in Kate than her husband. Maybe Cupid got him too.

I wish I had the creativity to add a running dialogue or thought bubbles (like the always amazing FP did previously) to these pictures. But since I don’t, please feel free to add your own thought bubbles in the comments section below. I’d love to hear them!

And, because there’s been a severe lack of the Sweet Ginger Prince around here lately…

Sweet Ginger. It does a body good.

You're welcome.

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